ChlorTainer Provides Safety For Residents In Solano California

For 20 years, ChlorTainer has kept Solano Residents Safe

Preventing Chlorine Gas Leaks
Preventing Chlorine Gas Leaks
April 29, 2021
Double Ton ChlorTainer. Hazardous chemical containers.
ChlorTainer’s Double Ton Containment Vessel is Here!
October 13, 2022
Preventing Chlorine Gas Leaks
Preventing Chlorine Gas Leaks
April 29, 2021
Double Ton ChlorTainer. Hazardous chemical containers.
ChlorTainer’s Double Ton Containment Vessel is Here!
October 13, 2022

ChlorTainer’s secondary containment vessels provide the safest and most reliable technology to protect chemical operators and communities from the hazards of chlorine gas. Recently, we discussed the pros and cons of working with chlorine gas versus liquid chlorine with Greg Stinson, lead operator of the Water Treatment Plant for the Solano Irrigation District (SID).

When asked about working with chlorine gas or hypochlorite, Greg expressed a preference for chlorine gas, especially when there is a safety-first containment system in place. Before going into the highlights from chatting with Stinson, let’s explore the difference between these two forms of chlorine.

Chlorine gas safety. Image of ChlorTainer containment sytem.

ChlorTainer not only provides safety containment for chlorine gas, but for sulfur dioxide and anhydrous ammonia as well.

Chlorine Gas versus Hypochlorite

Chlorine gas and hypochlorite are two options that many water districts consider for disinfecting their water. Chlorine can be pressurized and stored as gas in containers, allowing for use in its purest form while also being most cost-effective. Facilities that choose to use chlorine gas and install ChlorTainer’s secondary containment system will be able to get a return on their investment within a ten-year period due to reduced maintenance costs and lower chemical costs.

Hypochlorite has a relatively short shelf life that depends on sunlight, temperature, vibration and the starting concentration. Increases in any of these storage factors will shorten the life of the solution and the pH of the water will decrease. Unless large quantities of water are added to hypochlorite, this form of chlorine can damage surfaces it comes in contact with, leading to ongoing maintenance costs. The chemical costs for hypochlorite are four times that of chlorine gas.

People fear chlorine gas because it’s “the Bogeyman” Stinson reflects, but that’s where the safety of containment vessels offers a solid and safe option. ChlorTainer provides a level of safety that is unmatched and is preferred by facility operators.

With these pros and cons in mind, the Solano Irrigation District enjoyed the peace of mind that ChlorTainer containment vessels have provided over the years. For Greg Stinson, the vessels made it easy to manage large quantities of chlorine gas.

Chlorine gas safety. Image of ChlorTainer containment sytem.

The pressurized chlorine gas containers are completely enclosed within ChlorTainer’s Secondary Containment Vessels, which are built to ASME code.

The pressurized chlorine gas containers are completely enclosed within ChlorTainer’s Secondary Containment Vessels, which are built to ASME code. Each vessel comes preassembled with a scale and a loader system, and there are several product processing and volume options to best meet the needs of facilities using hazardous chemicals. ChlorTainer not only provides safety containment for chlorine gas, but for sulfur dioxide and anhydrous ammonia as well.

“I like gas because it’s lower maintenance and you’re going to have fewer leaks,” Stinson summarizes. “It’s also more stable with the water. You seem to get a more consistent residual that I’ve found. It doesn’t lose its strength as liquid chlorine does.”

ChlorTainer’s Customer Service Team gets a “Thumbs up!”

ChlorTainer’s customer service also impressed Stinson. “Complete thumbs up,” Stinson says. “ChlorTainer would be the first suggestion I make,” Stinson concludes, for any city looking to upgrade their vessel containment system.

If your organization uses gas or liquid chemicals, visit our website at or call (800) 543-6603 to learn more about our safe and reliable high-pressure containment vessels. Take the first step to enhance your site security today.