How Do You Manage Chemical Safety?
Failsafe Protection for Plant Operators using
Toxic Chemicals
ChlorTainer provides plant safety for a variety of industrial plant applications.
Industries include but are not limited to:
- Water & Wastewater Treatment
- Refining & Petrochemical
- Pharmaceutical
- Smelting Plants
- Cable Manufacturing
- Pulp and Paper Mill Systems
- Commercial and Industrial Water Cooling Systems
- Pasteurizer/Warmer/Cannery Cooling Water Systems
- Food Processing Water Systems
- Food Processing Plant Equipment (Food Contact)
- Food Processing Plant Premises (Nonfood Contact)
- Production of Bulk Materials Including Bleached Paper Products, Plastics such as PVC, and Solvents
*Note that this is not an exhaustive list. ChlorTainer is an ideal safety solution wherever gas or liquid chemicals are used.
Keeping Operators Safe. Protecting Our Communities.
What Is ChlorTainer?
ChlorTainer is a high-pressure containment vessel into which two 1-ton containers, a single 1-ton container, or a 150-lb chemical container is processed. If the container should leak, all chemicals will be contained within the vessel and processed at the normal rate. All of the chemical is used, and no hazardous waste is generated. ChlorTainer works to provide a variety of gas and liquid chemical safety and containment such as chlorine gas, sulfur dioxide and anhydrous ammonia.
- ChlorTainer is the safest and most reliable technology available for processing and preventing a chlorine gas release.
- No scrubber systems, fans, pumps, tanks or mechanical systems are required.
- The vessels can be installed indoors, or even located in an open-air structure as long as it provides shelter from direct sunlight and rain.
- ChlorTainer enhances site security and provides fail-safe protection for plant operators.
- Works to provide safety containment not only for chlorine gas, but for sulfur dioxide and anhydrous ammonia as well.
- The vessel provides safe, dependable, and trouble-free operation with minimal maintenance; the approximate cost for annual maintenance is $200 and about half an hour of time.
- All of our vessels are built to ASME code and can easily withstand the maximum pressure produced by a failed cylinder.
- ChlorTainer is the only system that reduces the worst-case off-site release of toxic gas by 97%.
- Our system is defined as passive for RMP purposes.
- ChlorTainer can be connected to several safety devices such as SCADA, chlorine detection, or even seismic detection.
- ChlorTainer is intended to be used as a process system.
Easy, Cost-Efficient Plant Safety
“In my opinion, the ChlorTainer secondary containment system is the most robust, cost efficient, and easiest to operate/maintain equipment on the market to deal with the potential process safety risks associated with chlorine, sulfur dioxide, and other pressurized chemical cylinders. Our site is very satisfied with our purchase and support of the product”.
—Stephen Gendron
Gulf Coast Chemical Manufacturing Site Director
Benefits Of ChlorTainer:
- ChlorTainer is the only system that reduces the worst-case, off-site release of toxic gas or liquid by 97%.
- ChlorTainer enhances site security and provides fail-safe protection for plant operators.
- The vessel provides safe, dependable, and trouble-free operation with minimal maintenance. The annual maintenance takes about one hour and approximately $200.
- Our system is defined as passive for RMP purposes and is intended to be used as a process system.
- Ends the need to handle toxic chemicals in a confined space and eliminates HazMat occupancy classification for indoor sites, so operators can enjoy a safer environment.
- With a life expectancy of no less than 100 years, ChlorTainer is a cost-effective and practical treatment system.
Safest, Most Cost-Effective System Available
“Installing the ChlorTainer equipment was accomplished by our own employees with assistance from an electrical contractor. Changing containers/cylinders is straightforward and added very little to the time it takes us to handle chlorine. Furthermore, maintenance of the ChlorTainers is simple and not at all burdensome. The bottom line is we are extremely pleased with ChlorTainer’s people, equipment, service and, of greatest importance to us, with the protection provided by the containment vessels. We had no scope nor quality issues – the product met, and continues to meet our requirements. I would give ChlorTainer the highest of ratings for performance – 5 out of 5.”
—Patrick J. Kerr
President and CEO, Baton Rouge Water Company