ChlorTainer Provides Safety for Generations in Huntington Beach

Safety for Generations in Huntington Beach with ChlorTainer

Double Ton ChlorTainer. Hazardous chemical containers.
ChlorTainer’s Double Ton Containment Vessel is Here!
October 13, 2022
Effective and Efficient Water Treatment
How the WTP Industry Finds a “No Tradeoff” Solution for Effective and Efficient Water Treatment
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Double Ton ChlorTainer. Hazardous chemical containers.
ChlorTainer’s Double Ton Containment Vessel is Here!
October 13, 2022
Effective and Efficient Water Treatment
How the WTP Industry Finds a “No Tradeoff” Solution for Effective and Efficient Water Treatment
October 19, 2022

Huntington Beach is a large coastal city in Southern California, with 10 miles of scenic coastline, and a population of nearly 200,000. Hosting both a substantial business and residential presence, safety among water utility operation centers, as with many places in California, is vital.

A straightforward, simple containment system you can count on.

A ChlorTainer staff member recently spoke with the Lead of Water Operations for the C​ity of Huntington Beach. Being one of the key staff members managing chlorine gas systems for the city, Greg Wells had a recurrent perspective toward the value of the product. Here’s what he had to say:

“The whole vacuum system and everything are relatively simple and straightforward,” This statement in reference to ChlorTainer’s total containment vessel is similar to those countless operators have expressed through the years. Wells’ job requires the training of new hires for these systems, and he also carries the duty of ensuring the safety of every individual in his community and the operators working in the treatment plant. With this enormous responsibility, he trusts ChlorTainer with both the lives of his colleagues, and with his own.

ChlorTainer chemical container. Image of a chlorine technician switching out a ton cylinder of chlorine

Chlorine technicians following safety procedures when switching out a 150-lb chlorine container.

Huntington Beach oversees the treatment of its own water, which includes the management of chlorine gas used for their water treatment systems. Since the early 2000s, the city was seeking to implement a superior safety system with passive mitigation and elected to use ChlorTainer’s Ton Secondary Containment Vessel and 150 ChlorTainer vessel. The Ton vessel, which accommodates a standard one-ton cylinder of chlorine, was implemented into the Huntington Beach community with total confidence knowing that the vessel was built to ASME code and could easily withstand the maximum pressure of a failed cylinder.

“It’s definitely a good way to go for containing chlorine gas,” Wells expressed during our interview.

“I would think it’s probably better than a scrubber. If a scrubber goes off, you’re kind of limited.” He spoke of the hazard each of us face when reactive chemical scrubber systems fail.  This safety liability is not singularly applicable to Wells and his operators, as chlorine gas spills pose a risk to anyone within a three-mile radius. By implementing ChlorTainer’s passive and proactive mitigation system, reactive system failure responses aren’t required because there aren’t any mechanical parts.

ChlorTainer chemical container. Image of a chlorine technician switching out a ton cylinder of chlorine

Chlorine technicians follow safety procedures while switching out a ton container of chlorine.

ChlorTainer’s secondary containment vessels provide the highest degree of safety and security where hazardous chemicals are in use.

This is true in both industrial and municipal water plants, providing value not just in safety, ChlorTainer is also the easiest system for operators to maintain.

“Over the years, we’ve expanded the maintenance a little bit to accommodate the fact that we’re close to the ocean,” he says. “As far as maintenance goes, it’s pretty straightforward.”  The City of Huntington Beach currently plans to hire more operating staff, enabling them to service the containment vessels directly. The importance of this simple but effective product, as operators handling these chemicals know, ensures not only their own safety, but the safety of the entire surrounding community.

If your organization uses gas or liquid chemicals, learn more about our safe and reliable high-pressure secondary containment vessels at or call us at (800) 543-6603.