AWIA Risk Requirements: ChlorTainer Can Help You with Compliance

AWIA Risk Requirements

ChlorTainer Total Containment System
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ChlorTainer Total Containment System
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ChlorTainer Can Help You with Compliance

America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA) requires municipal water systems that serve 3,300 people or more to conduct a risk and resilience assessment and develop an emergency response plan and actively update it every 5 years.

Included in the requirements are considerations for chemical safety, which of course includes chlorine gas safety.

One of the asset categories identified is: “The use, storage or handling of chemicals.” Be sure to evaluate all your chemicals for vulnerability to accidental spills and leaks, as well as unauthorized access. 

You can get details on the AWIA program and deadlines to meet the requirements on ChlorTainer’s AWIA Risk Requirements page.

ChorTainer is the safest, most reliable technology available to prevent a chemical release. With a life expectancy of no less than 100 years, ChlorTainer will provide generations of safety to operators and the surrounding communities.

We’d like to learn more about your chemical safety challenges, and we’ll offer solutions to improve chemical safety at your facility.

chemical safety at more than 100 facilities around the world. We are happy to answer any questions you have about our products and chemical safety.
ChlorTainer products employ the safest technology for processing chemicals and reducing the risk of a leak. Click here or call us at (800) 543-6603 for a quote or consultation.