10 States Standards & Chlorine Containment

Updated 10 States Standards Recognizes Secondary Containment as an Alternative to a Scrubber

The 2018 Edition of the Recommended Standards for Water Works, commonly referred to as the 10 States Standards are policies that act as guidelines for the design, review and approval of plans and specifications for public wastewater collection and treatment facilities in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Every five years the committee reviews and revises these standards to address recent or upcoming regulations and/or new technologies. The updated 2018 version of the Recommended Standards for Water Works section 5.4.1.d.11 has improved its language to allow water treatment plants to contain their chlorine gas instead of neutralizing it.

ChlorTainer is now recognized as a mitigation device by the 10 States Standards due to this provision verbiage from the 35 IAC Part 604 Regulations in the 2018 Edition:

“…provisions must be made to chemically neutralize or contain chlorine gas (or other acceptable measures as approved by the reviewing authority) where feed and/or storage is located near residential or developed areas in the event of any measured chlorine release. The chemical neutralizing equipment must be sized to treat the entire contents of the largest storage container on site.”


If you have questions about how ChlorTainer can help you meet the 10 States Standards while providing the safest, most reliable technology available to prevent a chlorine release, contact us for a free consultation.